Highly available RF Drivers for acousto-optic modulators

Spectrum from 1 up to 200 Watts

  • Amplitude modulation
  • Pulse modulation
  • External frequency adjustment
  • Variable analogue / digital interfaces
  • Serial interface
  • Customized interface signal levels
  • Configuration software
  • Graphical user interface
  • Function displays
  • Internal power measurement

Linear RF power for imaging and engraving

20 years of development, always in close cooperation with our customers, has created a large number of innovative devices for the acoustic-optical field. Reliability, temperature stability, functionality and compact dimensions were the major focus of the design, which was always driven by the users. By continually developing and adapting to new technologies, we are always able to offer the latest generation HF drivers with state-of-the-art and highly integrated components. These provides highest degree of functional integration as well at same time extremely compact dimensions. The synthesis of microprocessor control and analogue signal processing results in the best possible synergy to achieve high speed and resolution at same time. That provide high availability and reliable engraving results in imaging processes. Examples for this are the production of printing cylinders and printing plates as well rubber flexography. Our extensive tests and validations phases of each assembly during the whole development phase ensure sophisticated products. That's why our products are installed in high volumes in laser systems worldwide.

Standard operation frequencies:

  • 27.12 MHz
  • 40.68 MHz
  • 40.00 MHz
  • 80 MHz
  • 100 MHz
  • 120 MHz
  • 150 MHz

We pleased to manufacture operating frequencies according to customer-specific data as well as frequency-variable devices. Also we provide customized developments revived from the wide range of existing system components.

Variable interfaces & Windows® remote

The integrated serial interface allows comfortable configuration by using the included Windows® Remote software. The interconnection can be done via the control connector DB 9 or a separate interface connector.RS232 and RS485 are available as standard, but it can also be equipped with other interfaces, such as CAN, USB and TCP / IP.

Individual accessories & EMC

Numerous accessories and options for extended functionality enable customer-specific applications and versatile use. Examples include individual software modules, connection cables and complete measuring and simulation systems. Also our integration services and EMC consulting accelerate market launch.

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